Our Services

Translating and revising scientific research articles for publication in English language journals demands a very specific skill set. Our team of dedicated and highly skilled native English-speaking translators has more than 18 years’ experience, with expertise in a wide range of scientific disciplines. Our goal is to provide outstanding customer service and top-quality translations and revisions, making sure that the original meaning is retained whilst also ensuring that your paper can be read and understood clearly in English. To that end, every research article we translate is revised by a second translator at no additional cost in order to maintain our high standards. The same is true for revisions. What’s more, we also offer additional editing free of charge to give you the freedom to make changes, write new text and have it checked by our team.
We offer high-quality services at very competitive prices, as well as special discounts for specific journals, graduate programs, research groups, laboratories and companies.



Additional and Complimentary Editing

Translation & Editing Certificate

Deposits for Future Services
